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OSHA Online Training In New York

Must watch before you Enroll OSHA training with us!

Were it an independent country, New York would be among the highest economies in the world. Leading Industrial sectors that heavily contribute to its GDP of around 1.56 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022 are manufacturing, financial services, media and entertainment, tourism, agriculture, and healthcare. With huge export of goods to foreign markets and local use such as mobile devices, clothes, general software, and glass, the state has also adopted wide use of technology by establishing Silicon Alley and Tech Valley to boost efficiency and production. In addition, home to the world-famous Wall Street in Manhattan, it also provides around 330,000 financial services through New York Stock Exchange, which has a notable influence worldwide. Since most of the largest and most influential media houses, such as CNN, The New York Times Company, and the Fox Corporation, exist here, it’s considered the world’s media capital. With its rich agricultural zones between the cities, plenty of apples, pears, potatoes, and strawberries are grown.

Why Is There A Requirement For OSHA Certification In New York?

As one of the 26 States having its own State Plan, New York mandates the New York Public Employee Safety and Health Act (PESH Act), which encompasses a list of comprehensive Rules and Regulations for public sector organizations and workers. Under the supervision of the New York Department of Labour, the Standards are managed by Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH).


The regulations and standards under PESH share many similarities with OSHA Standards to enforce safety training in New York; however, the reporting and recordkeeping Standard 12 NYCRR Part 801 vary from OSHA. In addition, PESH mandates some State Orientated Standards that vary from the typical OSHA Standards.


Given below are a few PESH Standards that all the workers employed in the public sector are required to comply with:


  • Permissible Exposure Limits 12 NYCRR Part 800.5
  • Toxic Substance training, education and information 12 NYCRR Part 820 
  • Emergency Escape and Self-Rescue Ropes and System Components for Firefighters 12 NYCRR Part 800.7 is relevant unless the cities have less than 1 million residents.
  • Workplace Violence Prevention 12 NYCRR Part 800.6 


Since there are no specific Standards set for private sector companies, all workers in private companies have to comply with Federal OSHA Regulations and Standards and take safety training in New York.


Though it is not mandatory for all workers to get OSHA Outreach Training, employees such as Managers, Supervisors, and Construction Workers should enroll in OSHA online courses in New York according to State Plan and State Law.


Local Law 196 mandates all New York workers with non-supervisory roles employed in Construction and Demolition to receive their Site Safety Training Card (SST Card) or the OSHA 30 Card. As for the employees in supervisory positions, they are obliged to finish 62 Hours of Site Safety training.


In addition, it is discussed in New York Labor Law § 220-H that every employee in Construction who is part of a contract over $250,000 must possess an OSHA 10 Card. The law applies to workers employed in minor alterations and repair projects on the city's outskirts or within the town's vicinity.


Last but not least, the State Plan of New York required every worker to renew their NYC OSHA Site Safety training after every five years.

Benefits Of OSHA Training In New York For Employees

Finishing OSHA safety training gives employees an advantage over other non-OSHA-certified workers and makes them capable of maintaining OSHA workplace safety in New York. In addition, by acting under OSHA Training Standards, workers enjoy many benefits such as:


  • Employers and Employees are prevented from receiving severe charges and fines.
  • The work environment becomes healthy and secure
  • The performance of workers improves, and medical expenses decrease