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OSHA Online Training In Iowa

During the colonial era, Iowa was a unit of French Louisiana and Spanish Louisiana; thus, its current flag resembles the original flag of France. Since its independence from the French, the natives started an agro-based economy which gradually transitioned into a diverse economy of biotechnology, information technology, financial services including insurance and banking, green-energy production, and manufacturing, accounting its GDP of about 177.09 billion U.S dollars as of 2022. In addition, the tourism sector is also a significant contributor to the economy due to the famous attractions, Fort Madison and Lewis-and-Clark State Park.






Why Is There A Requirement For OSHA Certification In Iowa?

Since the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act permits states to follow their Occupation Safety and Health rules as long as they’re productive, Iowa follows its own Official State Plan that includes all state, government, and most private sector employees to promote safety training in Iowa.


The Iowa Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement (Iowa OSHA) operates under the authorization of the Department of Workforce Development and is in charge of executing the State Plan, which covers investigations, penalties, and complaints in support of the individuals subject to its Jurisdiction.


The State Plan of Iowa adds OSHA’s Federal Standards as well as follows its state-specific Standards, which are as follows:


  • Sanitation and Shelter Rules for Railroad Workers
  • Hazardous Chemical Risks Right to Know - General Provision


Since Iowa is influenced mainly by Federal OSHA Standards, workers comply with exact training requirements irrespective of the Jurisdiction. In addition, based on the industries and designations of the workers, OSHA mandates training on particular safety hazards to execute OSHA workplace safety in Iowa.


Under the Iowa Jurisdiction, employers must train their workers in the state’s Hazardous Chemical Risks Right to Know provision. On the other hand, workers under Federal Jurisdiction only comply with Federal OSHA’s Hazard Communication regulations. Moreover, workers employed in the railroad industry under State Jurisdiction must get training on Sanitation and Shelter Rules for Railroad Workers.


Iowans who fall under the Federal OSHA Jurisdiction are as follows:


  • Federal employment
  • The U.S. Postal Service plus private contractor-operated facilities engaged by USPS
  • Maritime operations (shipyards, marine terminals, longshoring)
  • Certain agricultural employees and operations
  • Federal government-owned and contractor-operated military/munitions facilities
  • Bridge construction projects spanning the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers between Iowa and other states
  • Working conditions of aircraft cabin crew members onboard aircraft in operation
  • Any hazard, industry, area, operation, or facility where the State Plan is unable to exercise Jurisdiction effectively


Furthermore, employers who need clarification on their training program requirements are provided with an appointment on compliance by OSHA Iowa.

Benefits Of OSHA Training In Iowa For Employees

Though OSHA doesn’t mandate OSHA online courses in Iowa but recommends amateur employees to enroll in OSHA 10-Hour course and supervisors to enroll in OSHA 30-Hour course to get the following benefits:


  • Heavy penalties and harsh fines from OSHA investigations are prevented
  • Workers will be able to secure the workplace from any site safety hazards
  • Medical compensation costs are drastically reduced